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Your destination for guidance notes, risk news and technical bulletins.


UPDATE: BT Redcare announces continuity collaboration

BT Redcare has announced a collaboration with AddSecure, a European provider of secure IoT connectivity, end-to-end solutions and alarm...

Emerging risks, are you prepared?

Risks that were hardly reported just a few years ago are being increasingly brought to the attention of insurance underwriters, brokers...


How to become an insurance surveyor

How to store combustible materials safely

Effective business interruption risk management

Solar PV systems: design, maintenance and risk management

Cladding fire risk assessments: a guide for building safety

What is Martyn's Law?
A guide for businesses


Fire Protection for SMEs

Electrical Safety

Management of Health & Safety


Podcast: The 'Social' in ESG – challenges and opportunities in the insurance industry

Companies with strong social practices outperform their peers by 20% and face 30% fewer regulatory fines, yet trust in the insurance...

Emerging risks, are you prepared?

Risks that were hardly reported just a few years ago are being increasingly brought to the attention of insurance underwriters, brokers...

Behavioural Risk Management: Is it time to reflect on how irrational we can be?

Are you an overly confident wheel spinner or a short-sighted detective? In a world in which we increasingly have access to data insights...

How secure is your password and will you always need one?

For most of us, password security is the most visible line of defence when it comes to protecting sensitive information. With the rising...

What’s the most ‘challenging’ risk requirement?

Despite being relatively simple to implement, permits to work relating to hot works present the greatest challenge when it comes to...

5 crisis communication animals you should be like

Good crisis communication strategies can save organisations from ruined reputations and business failures. RiskSTOP's Johnny Thomson...

Value through risk management is about the bigger picture

There's more to insurance risk management than hazard identification and control. It's often also about evaluation, expert negotiation...

Greenwashing: Does it represent a moral hazard? Welcoming the Green Claims Code

Danny Lillington looks at the recent introduction of a Green Claims Code and asks is it now time to take greenwashing as seriously as we...

Meeting insurance industry net-zero goal requires big change in risk management mindset

RiskACUMEN's Nigel Raywood highlights how underwriters, brokers, risk managers and subject-matter-experts will need to come together and...

Are we seeing the wood for the trees? The importance of balancing risks when greening our cities

A need for sustainability is driving future cityscapes that are significantly more ‘green’. Architects are increasingly incorporating...

Can you ask employees if they’ve been vaccinated? Can employers require employees to be vaccinated?

With more than half of the UK population already vaccinated against Covid-19, questions are emerging around what information employers...

Is insurance missing out on the value of near-misses?

Near-misses are a useful indicator of an incident about to happen. However, insurers usually only ever hear about the real misses!...


Managing the Risks of Hot Works and the Importance of Permits

Understanding the risks of Solar Panel (PV) Rooftop Systems


The Acetylene Safety Regulations 2014 & Safety with Oxyacetylene Equipment

Fire Safety in Flats, Houses in Multiple Occupation & High-Rise Residential Buildings

Building Safety Act 2022 –Section 156

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

Legionnaires’ Disease: Reopening Safely After Lockdown

Fire Protection – Oxygen Reduction Systems (OxyReduct®)

Cannabis Farms

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms in Private Rented Housing

Heritage Buildings

Fire Doors & Shutters

The Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations

Fire Protection in the Waste Management Industry


TG13: Electric Vehicle Charging

TG12a: Care Homes Aide Memoire

TG12: Care Homes

TG11: Golf Club Security

TG10: Laundries

TG09: Woodworking Facilities

TG08: Motor Vehicle Repair Shops

TG07: Laboratories

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