Owing to their large expanse of unmanned ground, often remotely situated, coupled with the high values of attractive goods and equipment such as golf equipment and clothing, items of maintenance machinery and wines and spirits, golf clubs have historically been a target for thieves. In more recent times, clubs have experienced a surge in vandalism by persons causing serious damage to the course or to the buildings and equipment on site, which can often pose safety concerns for the condition on the premises. Golf buggies have been particularly targeted and cases have arisen where buggies have been set on fire resulting in major damage to the clubhouse and other buildings. A further recent trend has been the increase in the theft of trophies and other silverware.
It is important that the risks of theft and malicious damage are correctly identified, analysed and evaluated, the output from which should establish risk control priorities. As part of the risk assessment, asset and business values should be measured against a range of factors such as past loss experience, the location of the premises in respect of remoteness and seclusion, the local crime rate and whether there are employees permanently residing on site.
In the majority of cases an integrated approach is recommended involving the combination of a number of suitable solutions allowing for a strategy that will address all security requirements, whist proving financially viable.
Consideration should be given to the provision of security fences and barriers around the club perimeter as a first line of defence. This should take the form of steel palisade, weld mesh or similar perimeter security fencing to the requirements of BS 1722: Specification for Fences: Parts 10, 12 or 14. Security fencing need not be oppressive and modern systems can be designed to blend into their surroundings. Whether security fencing of the type outlined is provided around the entire site, or concentrated to vulnerable areas, will depend on the severity of the risk, balanced against the cost.
As a second line of physical defence, all buildings should be provided with a measure of physical security in the form of appropriate locks and other security hardware to doors and accessible windows/rooflights. In circumstances where there are high stocks of wines and spirits, additional internal physical protections can be warranted. It is essential that prior to the fitting of any additional physical security to a designated fire door, the advice of the local Fire Authority is sought.
Intruder alarm protection is commonly installed in the clubhouse, machinery sheds and other key buildings as an outcome of the risk assessment. Intruder alarms should be installed and maintained in conformance with EN 50131-1* Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems (Grade 2 or above), incorporating remote, dual-path signalling to an alarm receiving centre.
Depending on the nature of the premises, attention may need to be given to access control, ranging from simple paper based systems for visiting contractors to more sophisticated electronic measures. The prevention of unauthorised vehicle access is also a key consideration and many clubs have found it necessary to install automatic rising arm or other security barriers at the vehicle entrance points to the site.
At some clubs, repeated acts of theft and vandalism have been such that manned guarding services have been employed. Static and mobile guards employed by a manned security company must legally hold a Security Industry Authority licence. Appointment of a manned security firm which is accredited by a UKAS accredited inspectorate is strongly recommended.
In many cases the installation of a modern, detector activated CCTV surveillance system, connected to a remote video response centre can be an alternative cost effective solution. Such systems should conform to BS 8418: Installation and remote monitoring of detector-activated CCTV systems.
Maintenance sheds are often targeted by thieves due the high value of modern compact tractors and the attractiveness of hand tools such as blowers, strimmers, etc., together with the fact that they are often remotely situated away from the clubhouse. Careful attention to the security of such areas and the equipment should be given. As well as providing adequate physical and intruder alarm protection to these buildings, valuable tractors should be immobilised and consideration given to the provision of steel containers or cages for the safekeeping of hand tools. In cases where remote intruder alarm signalling is not feasible, high powered sounders should be installed.
Golf clothing and equipment is highly targeted by thieves, the security of which should receive close attention. Key security protections will invariably include:
Where possible, ensuring that the Professional’s shop is constructed of robust materials;
The securing of external doors with high security locks, and the protection of doors and windows with steel shutters, weld mesh grilles or additional physical protections as appropriate for the risk;
Installation of appropriate intruder alarm protection to EN 50131-1* Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems (minimum Grade 3), incorporating remote, dual-path signalling to an alarm receiving centre. This should be separate system to that protecting the clubhouse, enabling the system to be independently set as required.
In the event that the Professional’s shop is of lightweight construction for which additional physical security protections may be inappropriate, consideration should be given to the installation of security fog device(s), interfaced with and activated by the intruder alarm system. This device must be installed and maintained in full accordance with BS EN 50131-8 and any local Police or Fire Brigade requirements. Prior to placing an order for a smoke security device, it must be ensured that any automatic fire alarm system installed in the protected premises will not be activated by security smoke discharge, and that any necessary reconfiguration of the fire alarm system will not impair its fire detection capability.
It is appreciated that for many clubs, the Professional’s shop is operated as a separate entity and may not directly form part of the club’s risk management programme.
Ensuring that all trophies and other silverware are professionally valued and adequately insured is of prime importance. The Birmingham Assay Office recommends that valuations are undertaken every 2/3 years depending on the item. All valuations, supported by photographs, should be kept secure, preferably off site. Protections considerations include:
Depositing valuable items in a bank vault or safe deposit centre;
Where kept on display, trophies and silverware contained in secure display cabinets, located in an area of the clubhouse with a commensurate level of intruder alarm protection, or removed at night to a room with an enhanced level of physical and intruder alarm security; alternatively, items may be able to be secured overnight in a safe. In remote geographical locations where police response to alarm activations is likely to be very slow, a security fog device may be considered;
The use of one or more proprietary physical or forensic marking systems linked, as appropriate, to a secure database service. These have the objective of tracing back any loss or stolen items to the original owner and, in the case of some forensic systems, linking a suspect with the theft;
Where significant values are involved, the intruder alarm protection to the clubhouse should be installed to a minimum Grade 3 under EN 50131-1*.
Keys to unattended buggies should always be removed and retained in a proprietary secure key cabinet or safe situated in a secure area of the clubhouse or Professional’s shop.
Preferably, all golf buggies should be garaged in a building of robust construction with the entrance door secured by a padlock conforming to Security Grade 5 or 6 of BS EN 12320: Building hardware - Padlocks and padlock fittings, together with the manufacturer’s corresponding locking bar, and the building protected by an intruder alarm. Alternatively, buggies should be parked in a compound surrounded by 2.4m high steel palisade or other security fencing conforming to BS 1722: Specification for Fences: Parts 10, 12 or 14.
In the event that neither of these is viable, the following minimum recommendations should be considered:
Buggies should be located a safe distance (ideally 10m) from all buildings;
All buggies should be secured by chaining to steel posts or brackets cemented in the ground with the use of 16mm or above high security steel chains and padlocks conforming Security Grade 5 or 6 of BS EN 12320.
Safe(s) should be installed of the free-standing type or the underfloor variety, the make and model of which should be compatible with the maximum takings held. It is essential that freestanding safes weighing 1 tonne or less are correctly anchored in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. Safe keyholding should be correctly managed and all safe keys removed from the premises over-night.
When risk assessing the money risk it is important that the safety of employees is considered and that cash in transit arrangements comply with the policy conditions of Insurers where applicable.
There will be occasions when club management cannot remove safe keys overnight due to the keys having to be passed between various duty managers. In such circumstances, consideration can be given to replacing a key locking device with an approved digital lock. This can be achieved on the majority of safes, and digital locks can offer various options, i.e. multiple codes for different users, a duress feature which can be linked in to the intruder alarm system, time locking and time delay features.
Golf clubs can become vulnerable to the theft of heating oil and diesel, the risk of which should be included in the risk management considerations for the site. Guidance on this subject is outlined in RiskSTOP Risk Bulletin No 5.
There will be occasions where staff are resident on site and will be responsible for securing the site, setting alarm systems and holding safe keys. In these circumstances there is an increased risk of a duress attack with intruders forcing staff to unlock buildings, turn off intruder alarms and to open safes. Where this is a potential risk, the following security arrangements should be considered:
Monitored setting and unsetting of the intruder alarm system.
Portable panic buttons which are held by the resident staff.
Time locks on the safes (see comments on preceding money section).
Many of the security protections outlined will require to be correctly maintained if they are to perform the desired function. In addition, users will require to be effectively trained and instructed in their operation. Employees should also be encouraged to be vigilant and report any suspicious circumstances that may arise.
When assessing the theft risk and prior to the installation of additional security protections, consultation with Insurers is strongly recommended.
With the vast array of products and services in the market, selecting quality can often be a challenging task. Where appropriate, it is recommended that security firms are selected from those which have third party accreditation by a UKAS accredited inspectorate or similar organisation; also, where applicable, that products are used which are approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) or by Secured by Design
It may be advisable to seek specialist advice from an independent security consultant to ensure a cost effective security protections spend. If this is the chosen route, it is recommended that reference be made to the list of registered members of the Association of Security Consultants at, or to companies that are members of the British Security Industry Association at
The RISCAuthority at is a particularly useful source of reference, amongst others, on security protection systems with many documents available on free download.
Reference within the document is made to the installation of intruder alarms in line with EN 50131-1 Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems (minimum Grade 3).
Where there is an existing alarm system which either pre-dates the European grading requirements or has been installed to Grade 2 standards, it is important that these systems are assessed to determine whether they are satisfactory or whether by adapting the existing system it can be considered suitable without having to install a completely new system.
Areas to consider include, but are not limited to:
Are there vulnerable areas within the buildings which contain attractive stock and / or contents, if so, consider replacing detectors with anti-masking detectors.
Are there areas of the building which are not protected by the system, if so, consider increasing the coverage.