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What is Martyn's Law?
A Guide for Businesses

What is Martyn's Law?
A Guide for Businesses

Understanding Martyn's Law

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn's Law, is a response to the increasing need for heightened security measures in public spaces. It was proposed following the tragic Manchester Arena bombing, reflecting the necessity of proactive approaches in preventing terrorist activities.

The law introduces a comprehensive and tiered approach to security, mandating venues to implement appropriate measures based on their size and type. This ensures a balanced, effective, and feasible security protocol across various venues.

Who does it affect?

The scope of Martyn's Law includes:

  • Premises and events that are open to the public

  • Premises designated for activities such as entertainment, leisure, retail, or food and drink services

  • Venues with a capacity of 100 or more individuals, including both indoor buildings and outdoor locations with defined boundaries and controlled access.


Impact on businesses and their venues

  • Tiered Security Measures: Venues will be categorised, with each category having specific requirements. This ranges from basic security protocols for ‘standard tier’ venues with a capacity of between 100 to 799 individuals, to more advanced measures for ‘enhanced tier’ premises with a capacity of 800 or more.

  • Mandatory Risk Assessments: Regular and thorough risk assessments will become a legal requirement. These assessments must be tailored to each venue's specific context and potential threats.

  • Enhanced Security Protocols: Depending on the category, venues may need to implement advanced surveillance systems, controlled entry points, emergency response strategies, and other security measures.

  • Training and Awareness: Staff training will be crucial. Employees must be well-versed in new security protocols and emergency response procedures.

Preparation for Compliance

  • Understanding the Law: Businesses must first understand the specifics of Martyn's Law and how it applies to their operations.

  • Conducting Risk Assessments: Engage with security experts to conduct comprehensive risk assessments. It is likely that suitably trained and competent employees will be able to complete their own risk assessments and prepare plans within the standard tier. The Government is consulting with the aim of striking ‘the right balance between public protection and avoiding undue burdens on smaller premises’. 

  • Implementing Changes: Based on the assessments, businesses will need to implement the necessary changes, which might include infrastructure modifications and staff training.

Challenges and Considerations

  • For Small Businesses: Smaller venues might face unique challenges in implementing these changes, including financial and operational considerations.

  • Community Involvement: The law also emphasises community and stakeholder involvement, ensuring that the security measures are not only effective but also reasonable and considerate of public opinion.

RiskSTOP is committed to guiding UK businesses through the upcoming changes brought by Martyn's Law. This law, named in memory of Martyn Hett, a victim of the Manchester Arena bombing, is set to revolutionise public safety standards in public venues and events.

In conclusion, this bill marks a significant step towards safer public spaces in the UK. RiskSTOP encourages businesses to embrace these changes, recognising them as an investment in public safety and social responsibility.

For more information and guidance, contact our Risk Management Consultants by calling 01305 215500 or emailing

Further detail can also be found below:

Home Office's factsheet,

ProtectUK’s ‘what you need to know’'s overarching documents,

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